Children Ministry

Children Ministry


Children’s Ministry is one of the most important ministries in Chinese Church in Christ-Cupertino. Children are a heritage from God. We treasure our children. Also we know that God love children so much that hope every little ones can grow in His church – a spiritual house. So, our ministry is effectively designed to facilitate our children to grow into a mature Christian by nurturing them with God’s Word and by equipping them to serve the Lord. We focus on relationships and life application. We believe that through loving relationships, children will see God and learn how to love God with all their heart, with all their soul and with all their mind. Through practical life application, children will learn how to be a good disciple of Christ, to love one another and to know how to face the complexity of this world. We have Sunday school & Sunday Service, Awana on Friday, and specials programs during Summer Time!  Welcome all the children come to God’s Family.




兒童部牧者:王潔 (jessie.wang@cciccu.org)


Volleyball Class

3rd – 5th


• 6/22- 8/24

週六早上 10:00  – 11:30 

Kids Cooking

• 1st – 5th


• 6/21 – 8/30

週五晚 7:30 – 9:30


Lego Explore & Programming

• 幼稚園至二年級編程探索,限14人


• 6/21 – 8/30

週五晚 7:30 – 9:30

Art Class

• K – 2th


• 6/21 – 8/30

週五晚 7:30 – 9:30

My Happy Time

3-5 yrs old


• 6/21 – 8/30

週五晚 7:30 – 9:30

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Greetings! In Spring 2025,  Kids will dig deep into the genres of gospels, poetry and wisdom, and letters. The book of Mark highlights the end of Jesus’ earthly ministry and the ultimate sacrifice He made to rescue people from sin. The book of Psalms illuminates the truth and eternity of God’s Word. Finally, in his letter to churches, James encourages believers to live in ways that please God.

Here’s a glimpse at this week’s Bible focus—
• Session Title: Jesus Cares
• Bible Story & Scripture Reference: Jesus and Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46-52)
• Preschoolers Text Truth: Jesus helps people because He cares.
• K – 2nd Grade Text Truth: Jesus answers when we call Him.
• 3rd – 5th Grade Text Truth: When we call to Jesus for help, He answers us.

This week, girls and boys started an eight-week study of the book of Mark. Many scholars believe that Mark was the first Gospel to be written. Kids examined one of Jesus’ miracles recorded in the Gospel—the healing of Bartimaeus. Bartimaeus could not see. He sat by the road begging for money and food. Until one day when Jesus walked down the road to Jericho and Bartimaeus heard that Jesus of Nazareth was coming. Please read Mark 10:48-52 and invite the children to retell the story. Then, discuss the following questions together:
1)What difficulties did Bartimaeus face? 2)Why did the crowd try to keep him quiet? 3)How did Jesus respond to Bartimaeus? 4)How did Bartimaeus’ faith change his life? 5)How can we call on Jesus for help? 6)Each family member shares something they need Jesus’ help with right now.

And don’t forget we will have AWANA Grand Prix this coming Friday, please use the flyer to invite your friends to join this fun and meaningful event! 

In HIS Service,

主內平安!這個春季主日學, 孩子們將深入探討福音書、詩歌與智慧書,以及書信這些文體。《馬可福音》突顯了耶穌在世事工的終點,以及祂為拯救人類脫離罪惡所做出的終極犧牲。《詩篇》則彰顯了神話語的真理與永恆。最後,雅各在寫給教會的書信中,勉勵信徒以取悅神的方式來生活。

• 本週主題:耶穌在乎我們
• 《聖經》故事及經文參考:耶穌與巴底買(馬可福音 10:46-52)
•  3-5岁班经文真理:耶穌關心人,因此祂幫助他們。
•  K-2年级班经文真理:當我們呼求耶穌時,祂會回應我們。
•  3-5年级班经文真理:當我們向耶穌求助時,祂會回答我們。

本週,孩子們開始了為期八週的《馬可福音》學習。許多學者認為,《馬可福音》是第一本被寫成的福音書。孩子們學習了耶穌在福音書中所行的一個神蹟——醫治巴底買。巴底買是一位盲人,他坐在路旁乞討金錢和食物。直到有一天,耶穌經過前往耶利哥的路上,巴底買聽說拿撒勒人耶穌來了。請閱讀馬可福音 10:48-52,可以邀請孩子來講述這個故事,並一起討論以下相關問題:1)巴底買遇到了什麼困難?2)為什麼群眾要讓他安靜?3)耶穌是如何回應巴底買的?4)5)巴底買的信心如何改變了他的生命?6)我們可以如何向耶穌呼求幫助?7) 每位家庭成員分享自己目前需要耶穌幫助的事情。

此外,本週五,教會會舉行一年一度的AWANA 木車大家暨嘉年華活動,請您也邀請朋友來一起參加這項有趣又有意義的活動。具體請查看附件的海邊。

In HIS Service,

Sunday Program

年龄 时间 內容 地點
0-2 years old 9:30am - 12:00pm Free Play (Babysitter) Nursery
3-5 years old 9:30am - 12:00pm Free Play, Craft, Bible Story, Worship & Hymns, Snack and more... Room 109
1st - 3rd graders 9:30am - 10:45am Free Play, Craft, Bible Story, and Snack Room 144B
4th - 5th graders 9:30am - 10:45am Bible Lessons, and Snack Room 143
1st - 5th graders 11:00am - 12:00pm Children's Service (Worship Hymn and Sermon) Wonderland