


Youth Ministry

Welcome to LIFE, our Middle School/High School Ministry. Our youth ministry motto is built into our name, LIFE, which stands for Living in Faith Every Day.


We hope to teach and model for the youth what faith looks like lived out daily, wherever they are: not just at church, but at school, in their families, and ultimately when they go to college and beyond. God is not only at church: He’s with us all the time.


If you’re interested in LIFE or have any questions, contact our Youth Minister Elanor Lin at elanor.lin@cciccu.org!

Core Values

Teaching God’s Truth

We want to pass down truths from the Bible about who Jesus is, the central message of the Gospel, and the overall story of salvation history. Through Friday night messages, small group discussions, and Sunday school lessons, we want to take those treasures and give them to the next generation.


An Invitation to Live It

A real relationship of trust in God doesn’t stay isolated in the head. We want to help the youth walk with God by giving them opportunities like retreats, missions trips, and service, all guided with youth counselors. We want to support them through struggles, so they can taste the real flavor of the grace God shows us as we take risks to trust him.


Building Up in Love

In the middle of their school years, when so much emphasis is placed on achievement and success, we want to build up the youth, not in skills or excellence, but in love. God loves them for who they are, not for what they can do. Through small groups, friendships, and counselor care, we hope to show the love of God to each of our students.


Youth Services

Sunday Service

English Ministry



Sunday School



Friday Night Fellowship


7:30pm – 9:30pm

Dear Youth Parents,


Wishing you a blessed and joyful Chinese New Year! Attached is our February Youth Newsletter, which includes both the English version (from Elanor) and the Chinese version (translated by Sister Yanchun, Michael Liu’s mom). We are truly grateful for their efforts and service.


The retreat is a wonderful opportunity for our youth to grow in their faith and strengthen their bonds with each other. We strongly encourage your youth to participate in this time of renewal, personal growth, and deepening their relationship with God. The retreat deadline is now extended to 2/2/25 (Sunday) and there will be no late fee for registration submitted by that date. 


Here’s the link for the retreat registration: bit.ly/febretreat2025.


Additionally, the deadline to apply for the Mexico mission trip and submit your deposit is 2/28/25. You can access the registration form through this link: bit.ly/mexicoapp25.



Ya-ling Lee




祝您们新春愉快!附上我们的二月份青少年通讯,其中包含英文版(由Elanor提供)和中文版(由艳春姐妹, Michael Liu的妈妈翻译)。我们非常感激他们的擺上和服事。


退修会是我们青少年在信仰上成长、加深彼此联系的绝佳机会。我们鼓励您的孩子参与这個更新、个人成长和加深與上帝关系的機會。退修会报名截止日期已延长至2月2号 (星期日),届时之前提交的报名将不收取迟交费用。




此外,申请墨西哥短宣并提交押金的截止日期是2月28日, 您可以通过链接获取报名表格:bit.ly/mexicoapp25





2024 Events

Schedule Events Owner Status
2/16 - 2/19 Youth Retreat
6/18 - 6/25 YWAM Mexico Mission Trip
6/24 - 7/16 Taiwan Mission Trip
8/2 - 8/5 Joint CCIC Youth Summer Retreat
11/29-11/31 Whole church Winter Retreat

Parent Rep-Counselors

Class Grade Parent Reps Emails Counselors Emails Youth of each class parent rep
2030 6th Grade Qiaohui Lin qiaohulin@gmail.com Josh Nitta jnitta16@caj.ac.jp Claire Xu
2029 7th Grade Vivienne Zhang vivienneusa@gmail.com Sarah Xia, Peter Hwang sarahxia18@gmail.com Peetah911@gmail.com Ayleena Lee
2028 8th Grade Yaling Lee ylleeusca@gmail.com Danny Yi settpainghtin03@gmail.com Edwin/Garvin Young
2027 9th Grade Lijue Zhong lijuez@gmail.com Michelle Rao rao.michelle0@gmail.com Julia/Francis
2026 10th Grade Karen Lee klee0314@gmail.com Marisa Chang, Johanna Chen changmarisa98@gmail.com johannachen77@gmail.com Karina/Jasper
2025 11th Grade Mike Sheng/ Xin Wang/ Lingling Pu msheng1996@gmail.com xinwang00@gmail.com sallypu2004@yahoo.com Marisa Chang, Johanna Chen changmarisa98@gmail.com johannachen77@gmail.com Ethan Jin
2024 12th Grade Avian Liao avianliao@gmail.com Channing Wong, Lizzei Wang channingmwong@gmail.com elizabeth.v.yue@gmail.com Charlotte
Youth Ministers Elanor Lin elanor.lin@gmail.com
Youth Staff Peter Hwang peetah911@gmail.com
Youth Parent Coordinator
High school Yan Chen chenyansu2011@gmail.com
Jr High school Ya-Ling Lee ylleeusca@gmail.com