


Youth Ministry

Welcome to LIFE, our Middle School/High School Ministry. Our youth ministry motto is built into our name, LIFE, which stands for Living in Faith Every Day.


We hope to teach and model for the youth what faith looks like lived out daily, wherever they are: not just at church, but at school, in their families, and ultimately when they go to college and beyond. God is not only at church: He’s with us all the time.


If you’re interested in LIFE or have any questions, contact our Youth Minister Elanor Lin at elanor.lin@cciccu.org!

Core Values

Teaching God’s Truth

We want to pass down truths from the Bible about who Jesus is, the central message of the Gospel, and the overall story of salvation history. Through Friday night messages, small group discussions, and Sunday school lessons, we want to take those treasures and give them to the next generation.


An Invitation to Live It

A real relationship of trust in God doesn’t stay isolated in the head. We want to help the youth walk with God by giving them opportunities like retreats, missions trips, and service, all guided with youth counselors. We want to support them through struggles, so they can taste the real flavor of the grace God shows us as we take risks to trust him.


Building Up in Love

In the middle of their school years, when so much emphasis is placed on achievement and success, we want to build up the youth, not in skills or excellence, but in love. God loves them for who they are, not for what they can do. Through small groups, friendships, and counselor care, we hope to show the love of God to each of our students.


Youth Services

Sunday Service

English Ministry



Sunday School



Friday Night Fellowship


7:30pm – 9:30pm

Dear Youth Parents,
We are grateful to the Lord for His blessings during this youth retreat. Parents have told me that not only did they find the location convenient, but they were also impressed by the tranquil atmosphere, feeling it was an ideal place for spiritual reflection and renewal. We also thank God that, during this retreat, some of the youth participated in the preparation and service work, allowing them to grow and learn how to serve Him. We are truly grateful for the support of every parent and thank God for the spiritual growth of the children.
This school year, Elanor and I have had several conversations about the Friday youth snack program. A recent topic that came up is that children often leave behind their trash and food when they leave. Elanor will remind the youth to clean up after themselves before they leave. We also need parents’ help by asking their children if they have cleaned up their trash and food when picking them up. By working together, we can gradually help the children develop good habits, which also contributes to shaping their character.
Meanwhile, we encourage parents to participate in the service of the youth ministry, whether it is helping with Friday snacks or youth activities. Pastor Owen shared scriptures about the fruit and the vine during Sunday service, and he also mentioned, “They won’t just know you by what you say, but by how you live.” Let us, along with our children, live out what Matthew 7:20 says: “Thus you will recognize them by their fruits.”
Just a friendly reminder, this coming Friday is the Awana Gran Prix event. Here’s the message from Elanor:
“Any youth who come on Friday will be assigned 2 shifts of working at the carnival game booths, so they can come find me (Elanor) and I’ll show them their posts.”
The monthly newsletter contains essential updates about the youth ministry, so we kindly ask that you take a moment to read it.
Ya-ling Lee
同时,我们鼓励家长们积极参与青少年事工的服事,无论是在周五的点心还是青少年活动的服事。Pastor Owen在主日分享了关于果子和葡萄树的经文,并提到:“他们不会仅仅通过你说的话来认识你,而是通过你如何活出来认识你。” 让我们和孩子们一起操练马太福音7:20所说的:“所以,凭着他们的果子,就可以认出他们来。”
温馨提醒,本周五是Awana Grand Prix活动。以下是Elanor的信息:

2025 Events

Schedule Events Owner Status
2/14 - 2/17 Youth Retreat
6/17 - 6/24 YWAM Mexico Mission Trip
6/25 - 7/14 Taiwan Mission Trip
8/1 - 8/4 Joint CCIC Youth Summer Retreat
11/7-11/9 Whole church Winter Retreat

Parent Rep-Counselors

Class Grade Parent Reps Emails Counselors Emails Youth of each class parent rep
2030 6th Grade Qiaohui Lin qiaohulin@gmail.com Josh Nitta jnitta16@caj.ac.jp Claire Xu
2029 7th Grade Vivienne Zhang vivienneusa@gmail.com Sarah Xia, Peter Hwang sarahxia18@gmail.com Peetah911@gmail.com Ayleena Lee
2028 8th Grade Yaling Lee ylleeusca@gmail.com Danny Yi settpainghtin03@gmail.com Edwin/Garvin Young
2027 9th Grade Lijue Zhong lijuez@gmail.com Michelle Rao rao.michelle0@gmail.com Julia/Francis
2026 10th Grade Karen Lee klee0314@gmail.com Marisa Chang, Johanna Chen changmarisa98@gmail.com johannachen77@gmail.com Karina/Jasper
2025 11th Grade Mike Sheng/ Xin Wang/ Lingling Pu msheng1996@gmail.com xinwang00@gmail.com sallypu2004@yahoo.com Marisa Chang, Johanna Chen changmarisa98@gmail.com johannachen77@gmail.com Ethan Jin
2024 12th Grade Avian Liao avianliao@gmail.com Channing Wong, Lizzei Wang channingmwong@gmail.com elizabeth.v.yue@gmail.com Charlotte
Youth Ministers Elanor Lin elanor.lin@gmail.com
Youth Staff Peter Hwang peetah911@gmail.com
Youth Parent Coordinator
High school Yan Chen chenyansu2011@gmail.com
Jr High school Ya-Ling Lee ylleeusca@gmail.com