
(Impact Christian Fellowship)

歡迎我們社區中能用英文溝通的各年齡階層的人士參加我們的聚會!英文部的會眾包括成年人, 年輕人, 以及青少年。我們的願景是帶領我們這一代人與耶穌建立關係, 操練做主門徒,生命得以改變。 弟兄姊妹在教會生活中一起經歷屬靈生命的成長,從聖經中學習真理, 並且在生活中彼此關顧。 此外, 我們將積極與宣教機構搭配,参與在不同地區的宣教活動, 將改變人生命的福音從本地拓展到世界其他的地方。

英文部在週日上午有聯合的的主日崇拜(9:30am 開始), 所有的會衆(成年人, 年輕人, 以及青少年)一起參加。主日崇拜之後(11:10am)有青少年的主日學及成人的小組分享. 週三晚上有年輕人的團契活動(7:30pm 開始)。週五晚上有青少年的團契活動 (7:30pm 開始)。歡迎社區中能說英文的人士加入我們!

請點按下面按鈕,這個網頁閱讀詳細的英文部事工說明 (以英文撰寫的)

December Series: Christmas Carols - The Stories Behind Them

Please invite your family and friends to our church during this Christmas season! Many people are open to attending church during this time.

Thanksgiving Hotpot Dinner

We had a great turn out at our Connect Hot Pot Night, sharing about God’s bountiful blessings in our lives.


If you’re a young adult, please come join us on Wednesday nights at 7:30 pm.

Connect: Retreat Signup

Our young adults fellowship is having a retreat in January and sign ups start now!


Come away with us as we spend time caring for our souls and for each other.


If you feel that Impact is your place of worship and would like to contribute, here are some ways to do so.