3 歲 preschool 至 5 年級

每週五 7:30pm – 9:30pm
Book Time
Hide His Words in my heart
Council Time
Learning Bible with Fun
Game Time
Have fun together

the Awana

週五晚 AWANA Program

適合 3 歲至五年級兒童(preschool to 5th graders)

每學年的每週五晚 7:30pm – 9:30pm,每晚活動分為三個營隊:Cubbies(3-5歲),Sparks(K-2nd grade),T&T (3rd – 5th grade)。每個營隊有小組聖經背誦,信息,及遊戲時間段。

From preschool to 5th graders.  Start from 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm during school year. We have 3 age groups in CCIC-Cupertino: Cubbies(3-5 yrs old), Sparks(K-2nd grade), T&T (3rd – 5th grade).

Each group has Book time, Worship & Council time and Game time.

AWANA Grand Prix

The Awana Grand Prix is a racing event with a track record of fun and excitement.

During the event, Sparks and T&T groups race small wooden cars that they’ve crafted with the help of a parent or other adult. But the Awana Grand Prix is more than just building a race car and watching it run down the track. The race is held in a multi-purpose, with the participating kids, officials, and spectators. It helps to build a bond between kids and their parents as they work together to design the best car ever. Parents and kids’ friends will be drawn into the creative excitement of helping their young people participate. And everyone who attends will hear the good news that God loves them and sent His Son to rescue them from sin.

Awana 木車大賽是一項充滿樂趣、炫酷,又刺激的手工木車賽事。

在活動期間,Sparks 和 T&T 小組在父母或其他成年人的幫助下,把一塊木頭製作成一輛賽車。但AWANA木車大賽不僅僅是製造一輛賽車並看著它在賽道上行駛。這項活動有許多不同的意義:孩子們、家長們、老師們還有觀眾都參與其中。 在製作木車的過程中,孩子與他們的父母建立了更多更深的聯繫,因為他們共同努力設計出了有史以來最好的汽車!孩子的父母和親朋好友都將被吸引到賽事,並興奮期待的參與這一賽事中。 而每一位出席的人,也都會有機會聽到福音,即:上帝愛他們,並派祂的兒子將他們從罪惡中拯救出來。

Dear Parents,
Tonight is the CCIC-Cupertino’s annual meeting. Dinner will be served at 6:00pm. Please join us with your family and friends!
In AWANA, AWANA Store is scheduled for tonight. Please remind your kids to bring their shares. 
The AWANA meeting is from 7:30pm to 9:30pm at CCIC Cupertino. See you!
Please remind your kids to wear AWANA uniform and sneakers.
Here are some highlights for reminding/ helping your child(ren) ahead:
1. Be on time; 
2. To wear the uniform properly ;
3. Bring the Bible & a $1 offering( $0.5 for cubbies) ;
4. Water bottle; 
5. Sparks & T&T (K-5th graders) groups meet in the Multi-purpose room;
6. Cubbies (3-5 yrs old) meet in Room 110;
And Here is the Schedule for tonight:
7:30 pm – 7:35 pm AWANA Opening Ceremony
7:35 pm – 8:00 pm AWANA Book Time
8:00 pm – 8:10 pm AWANA Worship
8:10 pm – 8:40 pm AWANA Store
8:40 pm – 9:20 pm Game Time
9:20 pm – 9:30 pm Closing Ceremony
Our Church will prepare some snacks after each AWANA, please go to the social hall and grab some snacks and fellowship with us. 🙂
In His Service,

You can click on the “AWANA FAMILY RESOURCE” button to download the audio files that go with your child’s Evidence of Grace handbook.  Please note there are different versions. Make sure you select the same version as your child’s handbook.

AWANA Family Resource

Cubbies (3-5 yrs old) -> Honey Comb Handbook

Our Curriculum


The acronym Awana comes from the first letters of the phrase “Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed” (II Timothy 2:15). 

Awana is a world-wide nonprofit ministry focused on providing Bible-based evangelism and discipleship solutions for children. Awana gives children the opportunity to know, love and serve Jesus.

Awana 这个字来自於提摩太后书2:15:「你当竭力,在神面前得蒙喜悦,『作无愧的工人』『Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed』)


Awana 取自上述经文的首个字母,以教导孩子作「无愧的工人」为宗旨。Awana 是一个国际性、超宗派、以圣经为基础、以基督为中心的儿童及青少年事工。参与的教会承诺並签署Awana事工合约,按照由Awana所提供之教材,有系统 地实践计划,透过圣经教导、游戏及奖励,让孩童及青少年在欢乐中认识、热爱及服事主耶穌基督。

Cubbies is the AWANA Club for preschoolers during the two years prior to regular kindergarten, usually three- and five-year-olds. Cubbies involve both parents and leaders in the spiritual growth and development of the clubber. Through games, Bible memorization, handbooks, and awards cubbies are taught basic bible truth.

Cubbies 是 AWANA專為學齡前兩年的兒童(通常是 3 歲和 5 歲兒童)而設。 Cubbies 讓父母和老師們一起參與到孩子們的屬靈成長。通過遊戲、背誦聖經、教材和獎勵,孩子們可以學習基本的聖經真理。

Sparks is the AWANA club for K to 2nd grade students. Sparks ignites the curiosity of early elementary-age kids to learn about the people and events of the Bible, building a foundation of wisdom for knowing Christ.

Sparks 是K 至 2 年級學生的 AWANA 一個營隊。 Sparks® 激發了小朋友們的好奇心,幫助他們了解聖經中的人物和事件,為認識基督奠定優良、智慧的基礎。

The T&T also known as Truth and Training, is for students who are in 3rd through 5th grades.  The T&T curriculum teaches kids the truth of God’s Word, guide kids to a deeper understanding of God’s grace, trains them to follow Him and practice His grace. T&T, 也稱為真理與培訓,是為適3 – 5 年級學生設計的。 T&T的主旨是要教導他們神的話,幫助他們認識真理更深,訓練他們跟隨神,並在日常的生活中踐行真理。