Dear Parents,


Our CCIC/Impact Church wants you to go out on a date with your spouse on 2/14 Tuesday 6:00-9:00 pm without worries. And if you’re a single parent,  we like to give you a night to yourself. Dinner provided, will be $5/child. There will be fun games, a movie, and study hall available for those who need to do homework. Please fill out this form so that we can give you updates and know how much food to prepare.  
(Drop off can be as early as 5:30 pm @ the Impact Entrance: 10455 Bandley Dr. Cupertino, CA 95014)







我們教會鼓勵家長們在2/14情人節晚上6:00 – 9:00:夫妻好好來一場浪漫的約會,當然,對於單親父母來說,給自己放一個假吧!當晚,我們會給孩子們提供晚餐、帶他們做遊戲、看電影、還可以監督輔導他們寫作業!家長們,安心重拾起初的愛情,給自己放一個假!收取5元一位餐食費。
當天5:30 pm可以把孩子放在教會(屆時只開放教會Impact 的入口。 10455 Bandley Dr. Cupertino, CA 95014


库柏蒂诺 基督徒会堂