Our next baptism is on 9/15 after the Sunday Service.
Come and hear the testimonies of our candidates!
Church Clean Up Day 9/15
That same day, we have our once a year Church Clean Up after lunch.
CCIC 20 Year Anniversary 9/22
Our CCIC-Cupertino is turning 20 Years Old this year.
Join us as we look back at God’s faithfulness!
Kingdom Day of Prayer 9/28
In 2 Chronicles 7:14 God promised Israel that he would answer their prayers if they humbled themselves before Him. Now, the same God who made that promise, still reigns in the heavens and will still respond to His humble praying people TODAY.
Please reserve the date, as we spend a WHOLE day coming to the Lord in prayer
Winter Retreat 11/8-10
This year, our All Church Winter Retreat will have NEW DATES!
Please mark your calendar for November 8 – 10!
If you feel that Impact is your place of worship and would like to contribute, here are some ways to do so.