2022 Youth 'no snow' Snow Retreat

02/18/2022 ~ 02/21/2022

2022 YOUTH  “No Snow, Snow Retreat” at Koinonia Conference Grounds 

The due date for retreat registration is: 02/13/2022 (Sunday)

请大家鼓励家长帮助孩子们利用这个”no snow Snow Retreat” 机会在更好地认识神,亲近神,彼此也有更好的 bonding/fellowship:
1)营会是从2/18 周五晚上开始,2/21 下午结束。
2)家长需要自己接送。Drop-off: 6-7PM 2/18/2022; Pick-up: 1PM 2/21/2022. Remember: drop-off/pick-up both at the retreat site. Youth will have a brunch on 2/21 morning.
3)2/18 出发前Pastor Owen 会提供Covid 测试盒给所有参加人员,尽量确保每个参加营会人员安全考量,每个cabin 会按年级和性别安排,不会住满。
Please consider to take COVID self test at home before leaving for the camp. Pastor Owen and the team will do temperature check throughout the day. If you need a test kit, please let Pastor Owen or Yan know. We can arrange it for you.
5)支票交给Pastor Owen.
6)  报名:结止日期2/13