


出生台北,台灣。1966 年畢業於台灣大學電機系。來美後就讀亞利桑那大學。畢業之後曾在鳳凰城、聖地雅歌、以及加州灣區工業界任職多年。2004年九月,,開始全職在教會服事,直到 2012 年底。現在雖已從全職位份上退休,仍在教會中配搭事奉。1978 年受洗歸主,一路在主耶穌的恩典中,學習服事。喜歡讀書、聽音樂、和旅遊,,更喜歡與弟兄姐妹們聊天分享,還有,與未信主的人談福音。









生長於台灣,大學畢業後到美國攻讀電機及計算機研究所學位,完成學業之後在矽谷工作30年;在庫柏蒂諾基督徒會堂成立之時,開始參加福音班,很快就歡喜接受耶穌基督的救贖成為基督徒,2005年在會堂受洗,從那時起一直在會堂聚會與成長,經歷神的諸多恩典;於 2020 年被按立為教會的長老;與妻子陽映雪在台灣相識結婚,有二個兒子。






1972年生,在中國大陸就讀大學期間信主。信主後不久即開始在學生團契中服事,工作後繼續在家庭教會服事,也在職場傳福音。 2014年來美念神學,就讀於基督工人神學院。 2018年開始在CCIC-CUPERTINO全職服事。主要事奉範圍是:主日學、禱告會、關顧。一個缺乏藝術細胞的人念了與藝術相顧的專業,一個沒有領袖才幹的人要做需要領導力的事;從信主至今,我深感自己做任何事,都必須倚靠基督,也惟有倚靠基督。


來自中國大陸,大學時期信主,並積極參與學生團契,傳福音,造就門徒。因著在短宣中看到神的呼召,畢業後立志全時間服侍主。在隨後的十七年中先後參與校園,教會,宣教等事工。 與妻子李丹育有兩個孩子。2018年來美攻讀神學,獲得西南浸信會神學院道學碩士學位和聖經輔導碩士學位。 2023年開始在Cupertino基督徒會堂中文部服事。從我最初的校園服侍到現在的教會服侍,上帝的呼召從來都沒有變,就是使每一個失喪的人成為基督的門徒,協助完成大使命,直到基督的再來。



出生於廣西桂林,大學時代蒙恩成為基督徒,在從事臨終關懷期間蒙神呼召來美國接受神學裝備。2016年冬季畢業於基督工人神學院,獲道學碩士學位(MDiv), 2017年1月開始在基督徒會堂Cupertino堂服事兒童至今。



Owen was born and raised in the “Old County.” No, not China, but “Old Sacramento in California.” Owen completed his BA in Strategic Business Management and a Master’s degree from Multnomah Biblical Seminary. In 1991, on a mission’s project to Macau, Owen’s heart began to be aligned with the heart of God for the lost. Owen decided that he would invest his entire life to the things that last eternally and make an impact on the Kingdom of God. On this same mission trip, God blesses him with having Grace as his wife. Owen and Grace have been married since 1993 and have two daughters, Faith and Hope. Owen is currently the English Pastor at CCIC- Cupertino and a Santa Clara Police Chaplain.



Grace was born in Hong Kong and immigrated to US when she was 6 years old. She accepted Christ at 7 years old. She has a BA in Communications from Mills College, heading towards TV Broadcasting. But after going on her first mission trip to Macau, Grace wanted to serve God full-time. Equipped with a Masters in Pastoral Studies and minor in Women’s Ministry, Grace has been discipling the next generations of Christ followers in both youth and young adult ministries. Grace is married to Owen since 1993, who is the English pastor at CCIC-Cupertino. Grace is the Young Adults minister. They have two daughters, Faith & Hope. Grace is a foodie, enjoys being part of local & global compassion projects and indulging in Korean dramas.



Elanor is a CCIC native, attending the South Valley branch starting in 5th grade. Elanor was inspired to follow God during a YWAM Mexico missions trip, and after high school she spent nine months studying at Ravencrest Chalet Bible School. That's where she fell in love with the Bible, and she's been passionate about teaching it ever since. After graduating from UC Berkeley as an English major, Elanor served in various ministry roles, such as youth counselor, small group leader, Deacon, and conference speaker. Elanor has volunteered in the CCIC Cupertino youth group since 2015 before transitioning into her current role. She lives in South San Jose with Edwin, her wonderful husband of thirteen years, and their two children Asher and Juniper.



Peter grew up in South San Jose and accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior at 10 years old. He got introduced to CCIC through the South Valley branch, and began to pursue God through youth fellowship nights, weekly Bible Studies, and serving opportunities. Peter went on to UCLA and received his Bachelor's degree in Communication Studies. After graduating, Peter rejoined the CCIC community at Cupertino through Breakaway Christian Fellowship. Peter regularly served in the music ministry, and also joined as a youth counselor in 2016. Three years later, Peter became a youth ministry intern under Pastor Owen. In 2019, Peter started his MA in Ministry and Leadership at Western Seminary. He desired to pursue a deeper understanding of the Word of God, so that he can better equip students to understand God's love for them, and help them on their journey to become disciples of Jesus Christ. Peter currently lives in Japantown San Jose, and serves as a part-time youth ministry staff. He has a heart for missions in India and Nepal, enjoys outdoor activities, and loves playing volleyball and tennis.